Founded in 1966, Infant Swimming Resource (ISR), with it’s Self-Rescue™ program, is nationally recognized as the safest provider of survival swimming lessons for infants and young children. We recognize that parents need their children to feel comfortable in and around water.
At ISR, your child’s safety is our first priority. Each survival swim lesson is uniquely tailored to your child’s needs based on a comprehensive assessment and continual monitoring of your child’s health and skill attainment.
We understand that every child learns at his or her own pace, and accordingly your child will be gently guided through each skill level based on his or her level of development and readiness.
Going beyond traditional swimming instruction, ISR teaches children aquatic survival techniques designed to help them survive should they reach the water alone. For more than 50 years ISR’s proven, Self-Rescue™ program has and continues to provide:
Parent education:
Qualified Instructors:
"Constant Eyes On" means designating a specific period of time to devote your complete and undivided attention to your child who is around the water. Ex. For 15 minutes, give your child 100% of your attention - do not answer the phone or turn your back, even for “just a second”. Designate one adult as the Water Watcher so there is no confusion as to which adult is responsible for watching your child.
Fences, gates, and alarms. The second line of defense is appropriate fencing around your pool, and locks to prevent access to the pool and pool alarms. Pool fences should be at least 4 feet high and should be permanently installed around the pool. A self-latching gate is a critical feature.
Like those taught by ISR, Infant Swimming Resource provides the safest and most comprehensive survival swimming lessons world-wide. For nearly 60 years, children 6 months to 6 years old have been learning ISR Self-Rescue™ techniques, teaching them skills that give them confidence and competence in the water.
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All images are Copyright material of Infant Swimming Resource, LLC. and/or Megan Smith
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